During this quarantine period, I challenged the players to identify clips of themselves performing to their positional profiles, and performing well - I wanted them to see good when they are so often told how to be better or how to improve.
I then took those clips and compiled them for positional profile highlight reels.
Then, for our 'end of season' zoom event, I held a watch party of the profile clips and the players annotated the screen for feedback. There were four categories they could fall into.
Decent. Because why not? Decent is decent, after all.
Valuable. I love to challenge the players to acknowledge more about the game than themselves.
I could do that. For fun.
Meh. As with 'I could do that', its fun to challenge the players and let the player whose profile it is to speak up and defend it!
I'll tell you, it was brilliant:
Here is the interactive feedback:
Here is the interactive feedback:
Here is the interactive feedback:
Here is the interactive feedback:
Here is the interactive feedback:
Here is the interactive feedback:
Here is the interactive feedback:
The voting picked up as we went through and apparently #9 was the most important by the annotations on Zoom!
Try it with your players. Let them see themselves if you can, and have some fun like this with challenging them on their opinions. See what they think and if they have a 'new' appreciation for the work their teammates put in.
This was the culmination of a lot of game model work and individual work within the greater line and team. It was a valuable use of the time, all whilst challenging the players to keep up with their ball work. Now we take a week or two off and then we're right back at it with a ball focus!
Enjoy and let me know what you think: